"no, i'm wrtg novel"。
"wrte novel? love story?"。
"no, erotc novels"。
"wow, erotc novels, you re gettg more nd more dfferent。 you gve to red?"
"you wll red t tody"。
"wll you wrte ?"。
"not necessrly"。
he smled t nd drove for dner。
he s 30 yers older thn 。 the psserby mght thk tht he s my uncle or my dddy。 actully, he s one of my sugrdddy。
he hd known for long t。 when i ws hgh school student he hd found 。 at tht t, the rport rpd trnst hd not been constructed。 gog to tke the ne s bt dffcult。
mybe you wll sk why you re wth such n older mn? personlly i lke mture mn,
it's just tht he's bt too mture, but i feel good nd he gves the sense of dependblty nd securty wht i wnt。
i don’t wnt to sy too much bout how i know hm becuse there re mny plex spects vo